Thursday, April 3, 2014

Five Tips For....

Earlier this year we had a film project called "Five Tips For....". We got to choose our topic on what we should do, not that isn't any different. We had to film a video displaying five tips on how we can make something better. We were required to use different composition techniques and sequencing. I had a different team for this instead of Stella and Brittain; these team members were Erin and Maya. They are also good friends of mine and I also did my composition techniques assignment. The topic we chose was "Five Tips for Reading a Book". We had chosen this because all three of us have a love for reading.
We had to get together and brainstorm what our tips were going to be. They were...

Tip #1: Pick a book that interests you. Make sure that the description hooks you on, and that you like the genre.

Tip #2: Choose a comfortable and quiet spot. If its too loud when you are trying to read it’s a bit distracting. Also the more comfortable you are then you will shift less and read more.

Tip #3: Try to create mind movies. While reading try to picture what’s happening. It’s more fun and doing this will help you understand what is happening in the book.

Tip #4: Read a good amount. Try to read as much as you can, you don’t HAVE to read too much at one time but if you are really into the book then read on!

Tip #5: MORE BOOKS. If you liked the book you might want to look for more books from the Author or the Genre, maybe both!

Erin was the subject of our video, she was performing all the actions, Maya was editing, and I was filming and doing the narration. We decided to film at Erin's house. We got our project done on time and I personally think we did a good job.

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